Tropical Update!

We’ve just released our big Tropical Update! The update is free and has a lot to explore and experience. Below are some of the biggest updates.   2 New Explorable Maps Each map features new collectables and quests.   Flamingo Island           Willow Tree Golf Course  ...

Morels Homestead Update v1.04

A big thank you to everyone who has played the game and for all of the feedback. We are listening. FIXES AND UPDATES: -Added a new “Sell All” button to the Mushroom and Produce stand. This will make it much easier and faster to sell your items. -Added wall snapping...

Morels Homestead Update v.102

We want to thank everyone who has purchased the game. Thank you for all of the feedback as well.   The last update we fixed the economy system to make it easier to earn money. We also added several new settings like Strafe, Smooth Rotation Speed, and Walk Speed. In...

Morels Homestead Update v1.01

We want to thank everyone who has purchased the game. Thank you for all of the feedback as well. We’ve been listening and wanted to do a quick update to address some of the common issues and requests. UPDATES: -The money system has been updated. It is much easier to...